Who We Are

Our country’s first Society of Colonial Wars was founded in New York in 1892 for the purpose of celebrating and preserving our colonial history. In the following years, similar societies were established in other states, and today there are Societies of Colonial Wars in thirty states and the District of Columbia. All of them form part of our larger national parent organization, the General Society of Colonial Wars. The Preamble of the Articles of Incorporation of the General Society reads:

WHEREAS, It is desirable that there should be adequate celebrations commemorative of the events of Colonial History which took place within the period beginning with the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, May 13, 1607, and preceding the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775;  THEREFORE, The Society of Colonial Wars is instituted to perpetuate the memory of those events, and of the men who, in military, naval, and civil positions of high trust, and responsibility, by their acts or counsel, assisted in the establishment, defense, and preservation of the American Colonies, and who were in truth founders of this Nation.  To this end, it seeks to collect and preserve manuscripts, rolls, relics, and records; to hold suitable commemorations, and to erect memorials relating to the American Colonial period; to inspire in its members the fraternal and patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and to inspire in the community respect and reverence for those whose public services made our freedom and unity possible.

The charter for the establishment of the Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Kentucky was granted by the General Society on December 19, 1895. Since then, we have grown from 9 members to 335, living throughout Kentucky and across the country.